WCRA website promoting Stage and TSD Rally Sport in British Columbia

2004 Airtime Guidelines & Schedule

Editorial Contact:

Publications Home

Warwick Patterson
2369 Gondola Way
Whistler, BC V0N 1B2
  Written pieces should be (but are not limited to) between 400 to 800 words. For
longer articles, please contact the editor beforehand to ensure that space will be
available. Please provide the text in Microsoft Word format, Arial font, 10pt size.
If you are working on a Mac or other software program, please save the text in
Rich Text Format (.rtf file).
  Photographs: Please send images via email to the editor. File size should not
exceed 500kb per image, and no more than 2mb total per email. Please scan at
300dpi. If you don’t have a means to digitize your images (prints), you can bring
them to a club meeting or send them to the editorial address. We will return all
Thunderbird Coverage, Rallycross #1 Report, General Interest Articles (driving
techniques, etc.). This first issue will be a larger print run, and can be used as a
promotional item in the first quarter to draw new interest to the club. Should
include articles outlining the different types of rallying, how to get involved, fun
stories, etc.
Submission Deadline: Wednesday, March 3rd (WCRA Meeting)
Issue to Printers: Monday, March 8th
Issue Ready: Friday, March 12th
Cochrane Rally Coverage, Novice Workshop (how-to article?), Rallycross #2
Report, Heart of Darkness Coverage, Big Horn & Rocky Coverage, Rally Mexico.
Submission Deadline: Wednesday, June 2nd (WCRA Meeting)
Issue to Printers: Monday, June 7th
Issue Ready: Friday, June 11th
Mountain Trials Coverage, Coast-to-Coast TSD, CARS CRC Mid-season report,
Gold Digger, Rallycross #3 Report, Tsunami TSD, General Interest Articles.
Submission Deadline: Wednesday, September 1st (WCRA Meeting)
Issue to Printers: Monday, September 6th
Issue Ready: Friday, September 10th
Year-End Issue, PFR Coverage, Rallycross #4 & Series wrapup, Kananaskis
Coverage, Totem TSD Articles, AGM Information & Agenda, General Interest
Submission Deadline: Friday, November 19th (note: NOT a meeting night)
Issue to Printers: Wednesday, November 24th
Issue Ready: Monday, November 29th
All images are © RallyBC.com and the author. Any other use without permission is in violation of copyright laws.
Feel free to view these pictures, or download for personal use only.
Page Design and Content Copyright © West Coast Rally Association