WCRA website promoting Stage and TSD Rally Sport in British Columbia
Comedy 2 - Top 14 Signs Your Car Needs Cleaning

The Top 14 Signs Your Car Needs Cleaning (This Stuff is totally plagiarized)

14> Your beautiful new VW Beetle is constantly being mistaken for the Oscar
       Meyer Turdmobile.
13> On the way to the fishin' hole, Andy and Opie stop by your windshield for bait.
12> Greenpeace won't let you move the car for fear of displacing some dung beetles
       that have taken up residence.
11> Neighborhood kids offer: "Mow your Volvo, sir?"
10> Your pine tree air freshener is now a protected old growth forest.
  9> Satellite photos reveal crop circles on your roof.
  8> "Wash Me" appears on your trunk -- chiseled with a jackhammer.
  7> Impossible to drive with the kids always clamoring to have a look through the
  6> Your "cell phone antenna" is really a sapling which took root.
  5> The kids seem really freaked-out by those blood stains in the Bronco.
  4> Visits to the farm always result in pigs humping your tires.
  3> Kids write "PLOW ME!" on your trunk.
  2> When you blow the horn, prairie dogs pop up from the hood.
  1> That rank smell coming from under all those McDonalds bags?

       The missing baby!!!

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